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About us

Matt Rice
My heart is to make multiplying disciples of Jesus wherever I go in life. I love to teach God's Word, and it is incredibly humbling and fulfilling to watch people learn and apply the truths of Scripture in their own lives. I want to inspire people to continually be on mission, living in authentic community together.
What is something that most people don't know about you?
I own an excessive number of baseball and hockey cards, which started back when I was a little boy. They really just take up space in my basement, but they have inadvertently caused me to learn and memorize countless statistics.
Who is someone you admire and why?
I admire my parents, my older brother, and my two older sisters. I really do look up to them. If we're talking about someone from history, I would go with Sir Winston Churchill, who although he had his share of flaws, combined his actions and words to take a stand against evil in the world.
If you could have any superpower in the world, what would it be and why?
If I could have any superpower in the world, being a history major, I like the idea of being able to time travel. It would be amazing to travel back in time to see and participate in certain events. I don't know what to think about traveling into the future though!

Caleb Bonney
associate pastor of family ministries
My desire is to see lives transformed by the power of the Gospel Message. This is an intergenerational message that transcends our boundaries and expectations as we understand what God has done for us through His Word.
WHAt is your favourite movie?
I thoroughly enjoy the Shawshank Redemption! It is a powerful story of a man falsely accused and imprisoned with a unique look at moral development, freedom, and friendship.
WHO Is someone you admire and why?
I admire my beautiful wife, Cass, who is constantly looking for opportunities to serve and love others. She is remarkable in so many ways and motivates me to be the godly man that I am meant to be. God, in His wisdom, has placed her in my life for His glory!
What makes you happy?
I love learning new things! There are tons of things that I do not know and I am usually excited about comprehending intriguing subjects by reading dictionaries, listening to podcasts, and having thoughtful conversations.

Keith Brown
discipleship director
My vision is to see every Christ follower doing more sharing of the Good News with not-yet believers and seeing people becoming disciples of Jesus who make disciples.
What is something that most people don't know about you?
I was a farmer before I heard the call to receive Jesus and His gifts, to follow Him, and to be a lover and fisher of others.
WHO Is someone you admire and why?
I admire Nicky Gumbel, the developer of the Alpha course. I admire him because he is a man who seeks first the leadership of Jesus and the Holy Spirit and as a result has been able to equip people of many nations and many denominations to share the Gospel with their friends, neighbors, work colleagues and others through the Alpha course, training events and resources.
Playing with my grandkids.

Josiah Milnes
Worship pastor
To provide space for people where they can, in safety, come before God the Heavenly Father, deepen their relationship with Jesus the Saviour King, and live in the power and peace of the Holy Spirit.
What is something that most people don't know about you?
Ever since I was a kid, people have asked me for relationship/marriage advice!
Who is someone you admire and why?
Besides my dear Nan, Dietrich Bonhoeffer. He was a brilliant theologian, but his heart's desire was to be a faithful disciple of Jesus. He took the call of James 1 seriously, especially verse 12, suffering and paying the ultimate price for the One who sacrificed His life for us.
What makes you happy?
My greatest happiness is seeing my friends encounter then live in the reality of God's loving presence in their lives! Alongside that: time well-spent with people, a funky instrumental riff, a block of aged cheddar cheese, a historical drama or documentary, a fun game of chess, euchre or RISK...oh, and poutine.

Curtis Butler
My vision for ministry is to personally draw closer to Jesus each day and to walk closer in relationship with Him so that others would see less of myself and more of Him in me. That through the power of the Holy Spirit, I would be an example and imitator of Christ to all those I meet and to use each opportunity I get to teach and share about the wonderful and only true source of love, hope, and joy that is found only in Christ. To let people know that no one is outside of the grace, mercy, forgiveness and the free gift of salvation that Christ offers and to see lives won for Him……all to His glory!
What is something that most people don't know about you?
I do not like my food touching on my plate! I very much appreciate the peace I find with the kids’ plates that have the built-in separators! I like them a lot. And just for clarity……this does not compare to the peace that Jesus provides!
Who is someone you admire and why?
I admire those who have laid their lives down so that God’s Word could be preserved, shared, and protected from generation to generation. I admire those who are forwarding the Gospel in places of secrecy and in underground churches where if caught could ultimately lose their lives. I admire the people in their workplaces, families, schools, and neighborhoods who share the truth of the Gospel at the risk of losing success, loved ones and status. I admire those who stand for Jesus in a world that is focused on removing Him from everything. I admire those who stand for the gospel no matter the cost.
What are you happiest doing when you are not working?
I enjoy spending time with my family, camping, golfing, and drinking absurd amounts of coffee.
lay elders
Bob Trerice - elder chair
Ryan Gideon
Warren Fishwick
dale kuran
Karen Fishwick - human resources
Melanie collins - trinity Youth
Elva Jean Brown - Global missions
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